Search Results

Results for "tradition: "Multifaith", latest_content: 1"
Invoking the Divine A call to make invoking the Divine a part of your daily life.
Practical Nonduality An exploration of nonduality and what its popularity says about where our planet is headed.
A Sacred Argument Case studies in Abrahamic interfaith work.
Ecological Spirituality How only a change of theology will heal us and the planet.
A Month of Eckhart (May 1 - 31) Poetic revoicings of the writings of mystic Meister Eckhart with commentaries and related practices.
Ancestral Earth A meditation for seeing stardust and the earth as your ancestor.
Pilgrimage of the Imagination A meditation for imagining a pilgrimage to the saint of your choosing.
Calling the Four Archangels A bedtime meditation for calling upon the archangels and the sacred feminine.
Connecting to a Guardian Angel A meditation for resting in a visual or felt sense of your guardian angel and the arms of the Beloved.
Making Room for Your Own Grief A meditation and breath prayer for something you are grieving right now.